Friday, June 22, 2007

Oakdale Parade

My first parade as Mrs. MN United States was fun indeed! A friend from the 2005 Mrs. MN America Pageant, Patricia Peterson and her "gang" from City & County Credit Union, Lake Elmo set everything up including the convertible for me to ride in. It was great talking with Patricia (a.k.a Nena) as well as meeting and talking with her co-workers. It was a great time, especially the little kids that blew me kisses and the young teenage boys that had to come up to the car and give me high-five's:) Of course waiting for the parade to get started took some time at which many other queen's and princesses came up to have their pictures taken with me! It was a GREAT night and thanks again Nena for hooking me up!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Mrs. United States Pageant

Official Photos for Nationals.

Mrs. MN/WI/IA Pageant 2007

1) The Gang (Kris Mohlin, Andrea Sabin, Angeline Gard, Bessie Giannakakis - New Mrs. MN America, Me - Mrs. MN United States '07, Holly Ernst - Mrs. MN America '06, and Sonja Fisher
2) The newly crowned Mrs. MN America - Bessie Giannakakis and myself
3) Katie Thiry - 4th RU and myself