One dear pageant friend (and karaoke singing buddy:) of mine, whom I met while competing for the Mrs. MN America Pageant in 2005 FINALLY got pregnant and I was so happy for her that I just had to throw her a Pageant Baby Shower. Nothing fancy, but we had a nice little get together with some other wonderful pageant friends made over the years. It was terribly cold that day but we had some great appetizers at Olive Garden and great cake to fatten us up for the weather:) We are all so excited for Andrea and her husband and can't wait to hear all about life's interesting adventures when adding a kid to ones life:) Oh....and I almost forgot....it's going to be a BOY!!
Pictures:1) Andrea and her cake
2) (L. to R.) Myself - '99, '01, '05 & '06 Mrs MN America Contestant, my 5 yr. old Cheyenne, Jeana Perron - '05 Mrs MN America Contestant, Andrea Sabin - '05 Mrs MN A Contestant & mommy to be in March, Kris Mohlin - '99 & '01 Mrs MN A Contestant, Denise Wallace Director of MN, SD, CO, WY & WI USA Pageants, and Cyndi-Lee Mack Mrs MN America '00
Not pictured because she came late but better late than never because we love her too was Kimberly Dorn - Mrs MN America '05 and Assistant Vikings Cheerleading Coach.