1) Shannon Devine - Mrs. United States '06, Me (just crowned) and Ellen Sendelbach - Mrs. MN United States '06
2) Donnell Rank - Mrs. MN Int'l '07, Myself - Mrs. MN United States '07, Shannon Devine - Mrs. United States '06 and Holly Ernst - Mrs. MN America '06
Well, here we go! I am a first time blogger, so be patient with me, I'm learning:)
Just to give you a little background, I grew up on a dairy farm in WI and entered my first pageant at the age of 15. It was a scholarship pageant and figured it would be a good way to earn some scholarships for college. Never did I imagine winning but I won the title of Jr. WI National Teen-Ager in 1993. Was in the Jr. Miss Wisconsin pageant in 1994 and then competed for the Sr. WI National Teen-Ager title in 1995, resulting in 1st Runner-up.
So I graduated, went to college and life took a different course. Got married, had my son Christian and decided to enter a married pageant. I really had no idea what I was getting into entering the Mrs MN America System. Everyone seemed to have pageant coaches, personal trainers, and a wardrobe in the thousands of dollars. WOW!! So that year wasn't great at all competing wise but I did meet some great women that I am very good friends with yet today. I came back to this system a couple more times, each time improving. I then decided to give it a rest when I started receiving emails to enter the Mrs. MN United States Pageant, so after much thought I decided to enter especially after the entry fee was reduced due to lack of interest from the state of MN which hasn't had a state competition for this system in a number of years. So I entered, figured I had nothing to loose and it would be great motivation to loose some extra pounds I had put on.
Well needless to say I ended up the lone contestant and was crowned April 23rd (two days before my 30th birthday) as Mrs. MN United States 2007!! It was exciting to meet and be crowned by the current Mrs. United States, Shannon Devine! Many others attended this dual purpose get together (Meet-n-Greet Mrs. United States, Shannon Devine and my crowning).
It has taken a bit for it all to sink in but I am looking forward to a wonderful year representing the state of MN and competing at nationals July 8 - 12.
I am excited to be involved in my community and state.
Sarah Tichich
Mrs. MN United States 2007
email: mrsmnunitedstates07@hotmail.com